

Resources for staging Bethany

Free resources to help with staging
a performance of the Musical

The full script, sheet music, and song lyrics (plus guitar chords) are included in both Bethany books. One (Little church of Bethany) also gives the background story, the theology, and related Bible studies. However, more help is useful - and this page includes additional resources you can take free-of-charge.

Scenes and Cast data:

Cast List (pdf file)

Scenes Report (pdf file)

script textfile (zipped textfile for teleprompter)

Logos (for publicity etc)

To copy a logo, right click on the pictures shown below:

Official logo (colour)

Black/White logo (small)

Black/White logo (large)

©Derrick Phillips 2006-2018

Home Page - Video - Songs - Script - Staging

The Pilgrims - Index to Derrrick's writings - St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford