the official website of the first Christian rock band

"Thank You Lord" worship song

The original Pilgrims' recording of the song "Thank You Lord" was made in a South London studio in 1967.
It features on the retrospective Pilgrims CD "Telling Youth the Truth", issued in 2004, which can now be viewed on YouTube.
And that would have been the end of its story, until...
Derrick was approached by a promoter seeking permission to re-release the song in 2023 as part of an album about music of the "Jesus Movement".
Playing the old recording again reminded him how good the lyrics are, so he resolved to re-arrange the song for use in public worship.
SO - here it is, "Thank You Lord", rediscovered, rearranged, recorded.

Click HERE to view the video on YouTube
Click HERE to download the Lyrics, Chords, and Music (key of D)

Click HERE to download the Lyrics, Chords, and Music (key of C)

Read the inspiring history of "The Pilgrims", complete with pictures and media features from the time.
It's all in the book - Pilgrims Rock! - "The true story of the first Christian rock group"

Available from Amazon in paperback or Kindle eBook format.