My Blogs A-Z
my blogs were originally posted on WordPress but have now migrated to my personal website|
I am less regular in my postings these days, but still add the occasional blog

A- B- C- D- E- F- G- H- I- J- K- L- M- N- O- P- Q- R- S- T- U- V- W- X- Y- Z

A- Aberfan - Personal memories of a national disaster
A boring documentary - A TV documentary takes me back to unresolved grief
Achan and Ai - A commentary on Joshua chapter 7
A church like Bethany - The most intimate model for 'church' was founded by Jesus himself
Acting Christians - Choose your part in this drama
Adam and Evolution - Evolution or Genesis - do we have to make a choice?
A Fruitful Life - Remembering a lady whose influence was far greater than she ever realised
A hell of a question - How fundamental to Christian doctrine is the teaching about Hell?
Angry Nations - A reflection on Psalm 2
A solid kind of heaven - A planet called Shemayin


B- Bible in a Year - tips and encouragement for those who would like to know the Bible better
Bible Reading Record - download page for printing a useful aid for reading the Bible in a Year


Casting bread - comments on the strange text in Ecclesiastes ("cast thy bread upon the waters")
Chronicles conundrum - Why are the books of Chronicles included in the Bible?
(The) Comradeship Agenda - People talk about "battling in prayer", but who are they fighting?
Coy about death - "X has passed on", "N is no longer with us", "Z has passed away" - WHY SUCH LANGUAGE?
Creative evolution - Evolution is OK, but it implies an uncaused cause. Is that scientific?

D- Deliver us from Evil - What does this phrase of the Lord's Prayer really mean?
Did Jesus found the Church? - Isn't it obvious?
Doubting and believing - Should we be ashamed of doubts?


Elijah's moan - Learn about prayer from a failed superstar

F- Fit to Fight? - Preparation for spiritual warfare
Five questions about the Transfiguration - a commentary on one of the strangest stories in the New Testament
Footprints - It's OK to leave footprints that people may choose to follow, but it's not OK to leave holes that people will feel obliged to fill
Fundamental relief - A review of the book "Stumbling Over Scripture"

G- Generational evils - Truthful debate about injustice
Gentlemen please! - "They said I'm gentle", complained a student, "but that doesn't sound very manly"
Glory to Glory - "I'm rubbish! But am I?"
Gospel Truth - Can we trust the four Gospels?
Greetings! - What do we really mean?


H- Happy Holy Habits - What's the point of "Holy Habits"?
Hearing God - Can we really tune in to the Almighty?
Heartfelt Prayer - The way we'd like our prayer to be
(A) Hell of a question - How fundamental to Christian doctrine is the teaching about Hell?
Heroes of Doubt - An encouraging perspective on doubte
How Temptation Works - We're less vulnerable to temptation when we understand how it works

I- If I can't be a tree - Hope inspired by a fallen tree
Intercessors Wanted - How would you respond to the call?


J- Jesus exhausted - It IS Jesus, but shown in a different light than is usually noticed
Job for comfort and challenge - The oldest answer to the question of suffering



L- Life on a Pinhead - Are you prepared for life's unexpected changes?
Luther's deliberate mistranslation - How this famous leader dealt with an uncomfortable text


M- Making Shemayin - (Fantasy - Fiction - Facts - Faith)
Melchizedek - small clue, big story - A big truth from a small incident
More thoughts on the Transfiguration - Based on Matthew 17:1-9 - Mark 9:1-10 - Luke 9:27-36
My Goodness! - Reasonable Holiness


N- Naboth's Vineyard - based on the story in 1 Kings chapter 21

O- Overcoming Temptation - Maintaining the Breastplate of Righteousness


P- Philemon Love - (A response to a question)
Prayer in Hopelessness - "I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27 (NIV)
Prayer Language - What language does God speak?
Prejudiced? What me? - Yes me - and (forgive me for pointing this out) - yes you too!
Prophecy in Today's Church - What it is - how to use it - how it fits into the church (Book Review)
Prophetic paradox - Prophecy is a privileged gift but a dangerous burden



R- Reasonable Holiness - Holiness has become a rarely used word, even in Christian circles. It's gone out of fashion. Does that matter? Is holiness reasonable and relevant for today? Do we want it? Is it achievable?
Resurrection - The ultimate Christian hope is bodily resurection in a renewed earth


S- Screwtape - Who, in these days, believes in devils?
Self Publishing - Why do I do it?
Shackle, Stake, or Anchor? - "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." (Hebrews 6:19 NIV)
Show me - Anyone for multiverses?
Silence speaks - Preaching starts with words, but prayer starts with silence
Six Hundred Bottles - Poem based on a story from John chapter 3
Sixty years on - When the music changed
Spirituality that works - Have you heard someone say, "I'm spiritual but not religious"


T- The Balaam Enigma - Lessons from the donkey man
The Comradeship Agenda< - People talk about "battling in prayer", but who are they fighting?
The preacher who couldn't dissimulate - A tribute to Maurice Smith
The Sky Voice - Three signpost events in the life of Jesus
The Supper that lasts - Why Communion matters
The Volume of Silence - I knew how to be loud for God...
The Walk - What's special about walking? (in a spiritual context)




W- We Walk - "walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work"
What about the Pharisees? - Follow the humble person rather than the one who boasts certainty
What a Thing is Faith - Faith is a thing, a force, a power
When Jesus got it wrong - Did Jesus make any mistakes?
When the music changed - The precise time when electric guitars invaded the churches



Y- Your Kingdom Come - Another way to look at this familiar phrase from "The Lord's Prayer" (poem)
